Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Investors: Expect the Unexpected in 2016

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Investors have been warned to expect the unexpected in 2016 with several key events on the horizon that could significantly impact the market environment. The Multi-Asset Research team at Source, who look at the the likelihood of the unexpected happening in 2016, found the economic and market...

Milifandom Founder in new Social Media Outburst

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Political activist Abby Tomlinson, famed for her online campaign 'Milifandom' in the last General Election, has caused another social stir after she claimed there's no love for Labour on the doorstep. After campaigning in Oldham, a traditional Labour heartland, she took to Twitter to say that Corbyn isn't doing...

John Bercow calls for a more Restrained Atmosphere During PMQ’s

By Jacob Flannery "We're not a group of Trappist Monks, It's not an Oxford union debating society, we will always have angry exchanges... but if you asked me for one suggestion for improvement in Prime Minister's Questions, I would say a more orderly and respectful atmosphere." John Bercow, Speaker of the...

Young Women Urged to Transfer Social Media Skills into Life Skills

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Young women are being urged to transfer their social media skills into life skills by Barclays’ Lifeskills project, which aims to improve students' confidence and employability opportunities. A new survey has revealed that although young women have plenty of 'selfie-confidence' on social networks, that doesn't apply...

Castleford: Home of Beers from the Wood

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic Real ale has been awaiting a wood renaissance for some time. Unlike wine, port, sherry and whisky the expressions in ale are not afforded the opportunity to develop once they enter the cask, and so they are only ever as good as...

Where Will Osborne’s Axe Fall Today?

By Callum Towler When the Tories claimed a surprise majority back in May, we knew debilitating cuts were inevitable. Today, in his Autumn Statement, we’ll find out exactly where George’s Osborne’s axe will fall. Conservative ideology involves a ruthless commitment to shrinking the state. Balancing this with ambitions of winning an...

Businesses should ‘take on Charities’ role’ to end Global Poverty by 2030

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  Charities could be irrelevant by 2030 if business leaders put global prosperity on a par with profit, according to eco-entrepreneur Arthur Kay. The 24-year-old founder of innovative green energy business bio-bean and recent Green Challenge and Guardian Sustainable Business Leader of the Year winner, will call on...

The Legacy of Thatcherite Economics

By James Clark The Thatcherite legacy has remained ingrained in the centre right consensus of mainstream political politics for decades. The Winter of Discontent hammered the final nail of stigma into the British Trade Union movement. Whilst a crisis of supply side inflationary pressure eat away at pay packets, strikes were...

Shoppers Avoid High Street on ‘Black and Blue’ Friday

 By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent  British shoppers say they will be avoiding the high street this Black Friday after the events of 2014 which led to police involvement in several major retailers. The research shows ‘Black and Blue Friday’ is now competing with boozy ‘Mad Friday’ as emergency services are...

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