Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Queen of Hoxton Opens Viking Themed Winter Rooftop

A Viking themed winter rooftop has opened above the Queen of Hoxton complete with a long boat, feasting hall inside a WigWam, fire pits, driftwood sculptures and a plenty of drinking horns. The bar offers the opportunity to escape modern life and join her band of noble savages celebrating a victorious battle. Raise...

“Someone Will Get Killed There”: Fans Clash at London Stadium

Chelsea and West Ham fans clashed at London Stadium last night, with one spectator warning that someone could get killed if nothing is done about the unrest. Plastic bottles, seats and coins were hurled between rival fans, with a young child getting hit in the crossfire in the latest outbreak of...

Global Wildlife Populations Fall by 58% in 40 Years

Global wildlife populations have fallen by 58 per cent over the past 40 years, according to a report by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and WWF. The worrying research has concluded that if the trends continues the decline could reach two-thirds among vertebrates by 2020, with animals living in lakes, rivers...

Anti-Selfie Exhibition to bring Portraiture into the 21st Century

An anti-selfie exhibition is set to run in London next week with the aim of bringing portraiture into the 21st century. The pop-up show highlights the emptiness of our social media personas through revealing portraits which show their subjects’ flaws – and what it is to be human. Dellasposa, a new...

The Anomaly that is Dog Walker’s Calves

I’ve got a friend who, despite being one of the most lethargic people I know, has got calves the size of tree trunks. To the innocent bystander he’s a physical anomaly. This is a man who has spent the best part of his life on a diet of cheese toasties...

Third Runway Could be Built “8 Metres Above M25”

The third runway at Heathrow could be built eight metres above the M25. Rather than tunnelling the motorway under the runway, plans have been put forward for building it on an eight metre ramp above it. It comes after senior highways officials warned of years of traffic mayhem and hefty bills if...

Campaign Launched to Overturn Negative Stereotyping of Essex Girls

A campaign has been launched to overturn the negative stereotyping of Essex girls after the term "Essex Girl" became officially recognised by dictionaries. Natasha Sawkins, 34, and Juliet Thomas, 32, have started an online petition to get the expression removed and have already had thousands of signatures in support. The Oxford...

Labour Fined £20,000 For Not Declaring Ed Stone

Labour has been fined £20,000 by the Electoral Commission for failing to declare the infamous Ed Stone. The commission launched an investigation after it was found that “two payments “totalling £7, 614, relating to spending incurred on a stone tablet – referred to in the media as the “Ed Stone” –...

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