Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

How To Make: The Perfect Full English Breakfast

The full English is a mainstay of British breakfast tables, but what is the recipe for the perfect plateful? According to new research, the ultimate fry-up contains two sausages, two rashers of bacon, fried eggs, mushrooms, toast, beans and fried tomatoes and red sauce, with fried bread and black pudding also considered...


The Embargo: What Is The Frozen Girl About?

Good morning World. This is the media reporting. Until now, we haven't been "allowed" to report a potentially groundbreaking story, because ultimately the fourth estate is not free. But this is big. Here's what you need to know: A terminally ill teenager has won a historic legal fight to have...


Employment At Highest Level Since Records Began

The employment rate is at the highest level since records began in 1971, according to ONS data. There were just 1.6 million unemployed people from July to September 2016, 37,000 fewer than for April to June 2016 and 146,000 fewer than for a year earlier. However, the number economically inactive people increased,...

Forget Salt & Vinegar: Champers, Truffle and Wagyu Beef Crisps Are Here

Forget your run of the mill varieties, a new brand of "audaciously luxurious" crisps has launched putting Champagne, truffle, port and Wagyu Beef on the market. Savoursmiths clisps have launched a new breed of crisp with skin-on potato crisps in unashamedly flamboyant flavours.  Made with home-grown produce from the family farm...

Whitehall Could Need 30,000 Extra Staff To Deal With Brexit

Leaked documents have revealed that the government has no plan for Brexit, and that it may need to employ 30,000 extra staff in order to deal with related projects. The Times today unveiled a leaked memo that suggests it will take another six months before the government decides precisely what it...

London Monarchs Enter First Ever Quidditch Premier League

The London Monarchs and Southeast Knights are among the first teams to be entered into the Quidditch Premier League. After many years of strong growth within the quidditch community, the Quidditch Premier League (QPL) has been established to create a new tournament structure for the best players in the UK. Eight...

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