Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

‘Germany’ Is The Most Googled Word In Syria

Germany is the most Googled word in Syria, according to the search engine's marketing Vice President for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Yonca Brunini. Speaking at the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit, Google marketing Vice President for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, she revealed that Khloe Kardashian’s ex-husband...

Microsoft Aquire LinkedIN For $26.2 Billion

Tech giant Microsoft has acquired LinkedIN for $26.2 billion in the largest acquisition it its history. The deal is Chief Executive Satya Nadella’s latest effort to revitalise Microsoft, putting social media at the heart of the company's offerings. Mr. Nadella said today’s work is split between tools workers use to...

Russian Football Official Tells Hooligans To “Keep It Up”

Igor Lebedev, a member of the Russian Football Union, has sparked outrage after Tweeting words of encouragement to hooligans in France. The leading football official and member of parliament claimed that the assault on English fans in the lead up to Saturday’s Group B encounter was vindicated, blaming local authorities...

Protein World Posters

Sadiq Khan Bans Body Shaming Ads From The Tube

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has banned body shaming adverts on the Tube. He announced Transport for London would no longer run ads which could cause body confidence issues, particularly among young people, saying the ads could “demean” women and encourage them to conform to unrealistic or unhealthy body shapes. Protein...

US Media Turns On National Rifle Association

The US media has turned on the National Rifle Association following the deadliest mass shooting in the United States in Orlando. New York Daily News led with the headline "Thanks NRA" as the national media lay blame at NRA's door. The leading publication points out that the AR-15-type rifle is...

Why Is British Customer Service So Bad?

"We are never going to have customer service in the UK", Jack Whitehall screamed at a Live at the Apollo gig in 2012. "They love that shit in America, but I don't want it here". He has a point. Customer service is something we Brits just don't do. According to...

Got, Got, NEED: Pilgrims Host Swap Shop

Do you have too many Wayne Rooney's but not enough Zlatan Ibrahimovic's? Then you're either Jose Mourinho or in need of a good swap shop. It's that time of year again when grown men revive their childhood with "Got, Got, Need" while poring over piles of Panini stickers. The Euros...

Watch: Obama On Gun Laws A Week Before Orlando Shootings

A video of Barack Obama speaking on the perverse nature of US gun laws has emerged in the wake of the Orlando shootings. The US president talks about a meeting he came from in the Situation Room where known extremists in the US have been on ISIL websites. He points...

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