Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

The real reason so many celebrities have died in 2016

Twenty-sixteen looked set to be a pretty dire year as far as celebrity deaths are concerned going in to the festive period. That's before George Michael, Carrie Fisher and Liz Smith really put the nail in the.... well, you get where I'm going. There's no denying that there has been a notable...

People watch a stunning winter sunrise over the Malvern Hills in Worcestershire. Although recent days have been mild for this time of year, a cold snap is expected to arrive in the next few days. December 27 2016.

Stunning photos of Worcester sunrise

New pictures have been released showing a stunning winter sunrise over the Malvern Hills in Worcestershire. Although recent days have been mild for this time of year, a cold snap is expected to arrive in the next few days painting a crisp winter's morning over the backdrop of the three counties...

Homeless children in Scottish cities soars

The number of homeless children in Scotland's largest city has soared by 40 per cent in the last two years. A staggering 1,391 children are expected to be homeless over the holidays, spending both Christmas and New Year in temporary accommodation. The latest figures show a 40 per cent rise...

Millions of motorists are suffering from ‘parallelophobia’

Millions of motorists are suffering from a fear of parallel parking - or so called 'parallelophobia'. Almost a third of drivers admit the prospect of trying to manoeuvre their motor into a parallel space drives them to distraction, and 34 per cent confessed they think it’s the hardest parking technique. What's...

Rev Neil Patterson in a beige hunting jacket (left) with Major Patrick Darling, former High Sheriff of Herefordshire on February 20, 2016 when the Three Counties Hunt Saboteurs claim he was at a meet of South Herefordshire Hunt in Brockhampton. See SWNS story SWHUNT; A campaign has been launched calling for a vicar to be sacked after footage emerged which appears to show him at a hunt meet - at his parish CHURCH. The Rev Neil Patterson, 36, has been accused of lacking Christian values after photos surfaced of him on a horse with the notorious South Herefordshire Hunt. The Hunt is being investigated for animal cruelty over footage was released in June which appears to show live fox cubs being thrown to a pack of hounds to savage. Five people have been arrested so far this summer as part of the inquiry.

Let the c*nts hunt

There are three certainties in life; death, taxes, and the unwavering guarantee that society’s top brass will always hold more sway in parliament than the everyday man. Yesterday across the country hundreds if not thousands of people embarked on the annual Boxing Day hunt emblazoned in scarlet coats and beige...

2016 a bigger wanker than we first thought

2016 is officially a bigger wanker than we first expected after making another arsehole move on Christmas Day. The full calendar year, which has been known to compare itself to the likes of 1914 and 1939, took the life of another national icon on the 25th in a blatant two...

The world in 2016: Have we tried turning it off and on again?

Hate-fuelled, morbid and varnished with a disturbing veneer of instability, 2016 will forever be remembered as the year the world took leave of its senses. A reality show celebrity is now the most powerful man on earth, Britain has cut ties with its biggest trading partner and Mo Farah didn’t even make it...

Final vote count shows Clinton beat Trump by almost 3m votes

The final vote count from the US election shows Hilary Clinton beat Donald Trump by a whopping 2,865,075 people in the popular vote, despite losing the election. Data released by CNN shows Hilary would have run away with the victory if the Electoral College system wasn't used, which was once called "a...

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