Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

One of Lee Thompson's ’Surroundies’ on Flash Pack’s holiday to the Jetwing Lagoon Hotel in Negombo Sri Lanka. See SWNS story SWSURROUND; A daredevil photographer who captured the ultimate selfie at the top of the Christ The Redeemer statue now plans to better it by taking a "surroundie". Lee Thompson, 34, has spent the last three months travelling around the world shooting incredible pictures on his Samsung's Gear 360. He has so far taken shots in Bolivia, Peru, India, Finland, and Sri Lanka as part of a marketing campaign for his company, Flash Pack. But the travel boss has his own wish list with top spot being taking a surroundie on top of the iconic Christ The Redeemer monument in Rio de Janeiro.

Why the “surroundie” is the next big thing

Lee Thompson has spent the last three months travelling around the world shooting incredible pictures, but rather than use the familiar "selfie" he believes the "surroundie" is the next big thing. He has so far taken shots in Bolivia, Peru, India, Finland, and Sri Lanka as part of a marketing...

US policy – in 140 characters

This bank holiday weekend, following a stream of tweets about New Year's eve celebrations and fleeting references to making America "great again,  Donald Trump managed to fit in potentially seismic policy moves on foreign policy, trade and health care into a solitary 140 characters. Gone, it would seem, are the days...

Britain’s rail fiasco – It’s not (just) about the money

When the Conservatives came into power in 2010 rail fares in Britain were already high. Since then, in a mere six years, they have risen by an astonishing 27 per cent - three times faster than wages. But the tragedy isn't just that we're spending six times more on rail fares than our counterparts...

The Secret Chef: On a French farce on New Year’s Eve

To protect the innocent, the guilty and myself, nothing I tell you will be entirely true.  Here is what I remember about cooking for the Leading Sportsman one New Year’s Eve. One of the nicest people I’ve had the pleasure to cook for, the LS was tall, relaxed, confident, and...

The future of low-cost Transatlantic flights

London to New York is the world's busiest intercontinental route and, given that it is peppered with business travellers, probably one of the most lucrative. But flying Transatlantic on a budget is a market that hasn't yet been fully realised. Back in 2014 one low-cost carrier came up with a solution....

Study reveals outrageous tasks bosses give their staff

What's the most outrageous thing your boss has ever asked you to do? Cleaning toilets, teaching English to foreign colleagues and wearing revealing or indecent clothes to model in are just some of the items featured on the top 50 list of unexpected tasks. Researchers found requests from the boss...

This is why New Year resolutions to shed the pounds often fail

Being overweight reduces the motivation to exercise - explaining why New Year resolutions to shed the pounds often fail, according to new research. It has always been assumed obesity makes it harder for people to move around. But scientists now reckon the mental affect of the condition could be just...

It’s official: Hate breeds hate

Children as young as four can pick up racist prejudices from their parents' body language, according to new research. The finding suggests prejudice is learned rather than instinctive - and handed down through the generations. Toddlers can 'catch' social bias through non-verbal signals expressed by grown ups, say scientists. Most...

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