Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

The EU, and my Faith in Humanity

The news agenda has been so miserable of late that it's become near impossible to find anything to be positive about. So late last week composer Nick Harvey asked Twitter to tell him things that have made people smile, and in doing so created an umbrella of loveliness amidst a downpour...

Cristiano Ronaldo Throws Reporter’s Microphone In A Lake

Cristiano Ronaldo and his Portuguese colleagues have had a torrid start to Euro 2016 filled with tantrums and strops, but things have just got a whole lot worse. The Real Madrid star has been filmed throwing a reporter's microphone in a lake. The incident happened as the reporter approached him...

Huge Spike In Uncertainty Index As Vote Nears

A huge spike in the uncertainty index has been registered a day before Brits go to the polls. Research from Warwick Business School measuring political and economic uncertainty in the UK has revealed uncertainty has increased rapidly. Ilias Filippou, Assistant Professor of Financial Economics, said: “It is interesting because there was...


Watch: Ovation After Ruth Davidson Destroys ‘Leave Lies’

The leader of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party Ruth Davidson received an ovation last night after outing the Leave campaign's lies and inaccurate figures used in their propaganda. Facing Boris Johnson and other key 'Outers' Davidson said she "can't let it stand that you sell a blatant untruth two days before a...

Photos taken at the memorial site for Jo Cox MP at Parliament Square in London.

Right-Wing Extremists Inflict More Fatalities Than Islamist Terrorists

A new report released this week will warn that right-wing extremists inflict more fatalities and injuries than Islamist terrorists in “lone actor” attacks. The report, from the Royal United Services Institute think tank in London, says that 94 people were killed and 260 injured in attacks carried out by right-wing extremists...

Brexit ‘Will Not Reduce EU Immigration’ MEP Claims

A vote to leave the European Union will not help reduce EU immigration because the free movement of people will be a condition of any free trade deal with the European single market, a Conservative MEP has claimed. Speaking at an EU debate hosted by Equilibrium Asset Management Sajjad Karim...

5 Reasons Not To Stay At The Ramada Stansted

When you’ve paid out a small fortune for a weekend break you can be forgiven for going budget on the airport hotel, but when you turn up to be welcomed by a service station bunker, it can be a sure-fire way to ruin the first leg of your trip. I...

Watch: Time Lapse of New Tate Modern Building

A time lapse of the new Tate Modern building has been released as it opens its doors to the public today. The 'Switch House' is a new 10-story building attached to the Gilbert Scott Bankside power station and has been built to accomodate an influx of visitors and showcase contemporary art....

Facebook Will Be ‘All Video In Five Years’

Facebook will be ‘all video in five years says EMEA Vice President according to the social network's European vice president Nicola Mendelsohn. Talking today at the fifth annual Fortune Most Powerful Women International Summit, in London, Mendelsohn said people are writing less and posting more videos and images. She said:...

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