Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

British Athletes Use VR To Train For Olympics

British athletes are training using 360° and 3D simulations of course layouts ahead of major competitions. Digital headset technologies are being used to integrate 3D video in new ways, aimed at providing a real benefit to a wide variety of summer sports including sailing, canoe slalom and triathlon and potentially...

Watch: Freerunners Run Wild Aboard A Docked DFDS Ship

World-class freerunners Ryan Doyle and Will Sutton were let loose aboard a docked DFDS ship last Friday. The pair had the run of the vessel while it was moored at Newcastle and performed a variety of stunts and tricks gliding through passenger restaurants, accommodation and vast outdodeck spaces. A video of the stunt has...

Funds Set Up Offering £25 To Help People Vote For Corbyn

Several new funds have been set up offering to pay the £25 charge in exchange for a vote for Jeremy Corbyn in the upcoming Labour elections. Political commentator Guido Fawkes revealed that the groups have been set up just days after Labour shut down a Just Giving page doing the same...

UKIP Councillor Threatens To Kill Remainers

UKIP Councillor Terence Nathan has threatened to kill Remainers looking to overturn Brexit’s victory in the June referendum. The Bromley Councillor responded to the possibility of legal action being taken before Article 50 is invoked by saying those who want to block the Brexit process should be killed. He wrote: “Time to start...

The London Economic

Brexit Impact Will Be “More Pronounced” In London

The impact of Brexit is likely to be more pronounced in London, according to a London Councils briefing paper. The high concentration of services jobs, an export-dependent market that relies on access to the EU market and the relatively large and skilled EU workforce mean London could bear the brunt of Brexageddon. Talking...

Would you Adam and Eve it? You Can Learn Cockney!

The world’s first Cockney language learning app is set to be launched tomorrow available free to all Londoners. Language expert Nat Dinham has been researching how to translate this traditional East End dialect into a language learning tool for two years, and now has a product to bring to market. There...

Relaxing Is A Distant Dream For ‘Switched On’ Brits

Do you ever feel like sometimes you just don't stop? Well, you're not alone. A new study exploring the lifestyles and working hours of 2,000 people has found more than 10 hours of the average person’s 15-hour day dedicated to the long slog of work and ticking off a never-ending to-do...

Women In Politics: Why Can’t I Hear The Feminists Cheer?

By Deborah Hodge Hilary Clinton is set to be the first female American President and Theresa May has snuck in from nowhere to become the second female British Prime Minister. I have to be honest, even though I stood for London Mayor in 2016, I had no clue who she was...

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