Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Thoughtful woman holding shopping bags and looking up

Brits on a cliff edge as the “Big Squeeze” approaches

Many British people are on a cliff edge as the Big Squeeze of 2017 approaches. Finances are been stretched to breaking point as savings dip and debt amounts with consumer spending still robust in January despite rising inflation. One in four Britons has no savings, new research has found, while another...

The 74 MPs who plan to vote against triggering Article 50

These are the 74 MPs who plan to vote against triggering Article 50 after the Supreme Court ruled that Theresa May must consult Parliament before triggering Britain's exit from the European Union. The MPs will be viewed by many as not only wreaking havoc among the parliamentary Brexiters but also defying...

Scientists rubbish “irresponsible” FSA cancer warnings

Scientists have rubbished warnings from the Food Standards Agency that browned potatoes and toast could be cancerous. The FSA has launched a new campaign which warns people against cooking starchy foods at high temperatures for long periods which creates chemicals that help the formation of “acrylamides”, shown to cause cancer in laboratory...

Tesco has been quietly reducing the size of its toilet rolls

Tesco has been accused of quietly reducing the size of its toilet rolls - by increasing the size of the HOLE in the middle. Keen-eyed shoppers reckon the cardboard tube in the centre has expanded by 1cm while the overall width has remained the same. The revelation comes after a...

50 things only dads with daughters know

How to French plait, who Barbie’s boyfriend is and all the words to Olly Murs’ ‘Troublemaker’ are just some of the top 50 things only Dads of Daughters will know, according to a new survey. A study of 500 dads with daughters under the age of 18 has revealed that...

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