Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Review: Tango Fire – Peacock Theatre

“Gender enlightenment has not exactly reached the world of Tango Fire,” Lyndsey Winship wrote in the Evening Standard ahead of German Cornejo’s latest work, currently playing at the Peacock Theatre. From the outset you can see why that may be the prevailing opinion. “Knicker-revealing slits in the dancers' glamorous dresses”...

Britain in crisis as people overworked to dangerous levels

Britain is teetering on the edge of a silent crisis as people are been overworked to dangerous levels. A new study has found millions of employees are so tired at work they are unable to do their job safely, with pressure to meet demanding targets, work being too intense and a...

Schoolchildren studying in school library working together on project

First-born children more likely to do better at school

First-born children are more likely to do better at school because parents pay them more attention, according to new research. The extra focus gives them an "edge" over younger brothers and sisters and higher IQs - as early as the age of one. Researchers found the eldest child outperformed siblings in...

Vodka Revolution: Brits get a taste for premium spirits

"Vodka is a tainted spirit in Britain", we wrote back in 2014 at a tasting session for the world’s first super-premium vodka from Ukraine. After all, "its bedfellows are typically a sugary brand of the Coca Cola franchise or the more fashionable pick-me-up-throw-me-down energy drink mix - very few people would...

Vote Leave director admits they won because they lied to the public

Buried in a 19,800 word Spectator essay written by former online editor and Vote Leave director Dominic Cummings is an admission: The Brexit referendum was won by lying to the public. The piece, found here, is well worth reading but also falls victim to classic mansplaining of a complex issue with many words wasted...

The last Concorde makes its final journey to a new home

The last Concorde made its final journey to a new home today - just a quarter of a mile and at a walking pace. The iconic supersonic plane was towed across an airfield to an indoor hangar in preparation for it becoming the centrepiece of a new £16 million aerospace museum....

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