Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

GV of Black Eye Reality shooting banner hanging outside Coasters building in Falkirk. See Centre Press story CPRANGE; The father of a victim of the devastating school shooting in Dunblane has hit out at plans for a shooting range which will use automatic weapons. The mass-shooting at Dunblane Primary School, Stirling, killed 16 children and one teacher in 1996 and led to a ban on handguns across much of the UK.  Doctor Mick North lost his five-year-old daughter Sophie in shooting and has been left devastated by plans for a shooting range to open in Falkirk – only 20 miles away from the scene of one of the country’s worst tragedies. Black Eye Reality are seeking an entertainment license from Falkirk Council to operate the range which will allow customers to get their hands on deactivated rifles, pump action shotguns and Glock pistols.

Insensitive plans for shooting range near Dunblane submitted

The father of a victim of the devastating school shooting in Dunblane has hit out at plans for a shooting range which will use automatic weapons. The mass-shooting at Dunblane Primary School, Stirling, killed 16 children and one teacher in 1996 and led to a ban on handguns across much...

An itinerary for the perfect Sunday

The perfect Sunday consists of waking up at 8:30am to the smell of breakfast cooking, a cuddle and three hours of television, new research has revealed. A quarter of Brits dream about an ideal weekend morning which starts with a Full English breakfast in bed. And a third always like...

Must watch: How to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on yourself

New research published today in medical journal Thorax has shown that using the Heimlich manoeuvre on yourself can generate enough pressure to treat choking. According to the study it can be as effective as when delivered by a first-aider, and it's even safe for pregnant women to perform on themselves....

Shipping: Where a hard Brexit is not an option

If you want to make a bit of money out of a hard Brexit invest in fluorescent jackets and clipboards. That's the advice of Guy Platten, the chief executive of the UK Chamber of Shipping, who today confirmed that anything less than a friction-less customs deal with the EU could lead to...

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