Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

En Marche! Who is Emmanuel Macron?

Of all the wise words that have propelled Emmanuel Macron to within a grasp of the French presidency the one that will strike a chord with British people is: "A Left that does nothing achieves nothing". After two terms of Conservative rule and a soon-to-be third term around the corner if...

How Viking are you? Take the test

Millions of Brits could be descendants of Vikings – especially if your surname ends in ‘son’ according to experts. Despite it being more than 900 years since the Viking Age, almost one in three believe their roots can be traced back to the Scandinavian invaders. And experts say surnames can...

Man with a rifle arrested near Stansted Airport

A man has been arrested near Stansted Airport after being found carrying a RIFLE. Armed police were called following reports of a gunman in possession of a firearm. The man was detained shortly before noon today after a police helicopter was dispatched to Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex, The firearm was also recovered...

Fare dodger fined £1,000 for 12-minute train journey

A 12-minute train journey cost a rail passenger more than £1,000 after he refused to pay the fare - of just £5.60. Ben Warrington, 20, didn't have a ticket when he went on the 6.7 mile trip from Narborough to Leicester city centre on November 7 last year. A court...

ReMAYners: Putting the “General” in General Election

It can be quite unsettling as a Yorkshireman to be more perturbed by our political landscape than about the price of beer or the weather conditions, but with the divorce from our biggest trading partner officially underway and a snap election on the horizon to cement said proceedings my contempt...

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