Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

The economic outlook is “uncertain”

Uncertainty was the theme in the latest Global Economy Watch from accountants PWC. Almost a third of business leaders say they expect at least one crisis within the next three years, and uncertain economic growth is perceived to be the biggest threat to business. Uncertainty over Brexit could dampen business...

London bakery creates bespoke Father’s Day Éclair

A London bakery is celebrating its first Father’s Day this year with a bespoke Father’s Day Éclair. The pastry is filled with a Valrhona (dark chocolate) and Dewar’s (12 year old whisky) ganache, topped with a dark chocolate glaze and finished with a vibrant striped chocolate collar and tie. It can...

UK airports among some of the worst in the world

Britain’s airports have been rated as some of the worst in the world in a new global study. Edinburgh, Manchester and London Gatwick airport in the 10 worst airports in the World, and there wasn't a single entry in the top ten list. Singapore Changi Airport was ranked as the...

IT company threatens redundancy for staff voting Labour

An IT firm in Watford sent staff an email warning "Labour voters would be made redundant first" on polling day, GMB has revealed. An email seemingly sent by John Brooker, Managing Director of Watford based Storm Technologies Ltd, has come to light which was sent to his staff on Thursday...

Why pining for a time gone by is completely futile

It’s official, a new study has declared today, life really was "better in the old days". If only it had been released a week earlier the Tories might have fared better in the General Election, tugging at our nostalgic longing for a time gone by. As it was people voted...

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