Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Is this the revolution coffee has been waiting for?

Innovative new coffee bags have been released in a move which may change how the nation drinks its favourite brew. According to research coffee culture has led to a shift in drinking habits in Britain, with more people now opting for a cappuccino or flat white over the traditional cuppa tea. But brewing...

Queen reported to police for not wearing a seatbelt

An outraged spectator dialled 999 today - to complain that the Queen was not wearing a seatbelt. The un-named member of the public dialled the emergency number after watching the Queen and Prince Charles from the Palace of Westminster on TV. The caller complained to West Yorkshire Police that neither...

Michael Palin awarded honorary doctorate from St Andrews

Monty Python legend Michael Palin has been awarded an honorary doctorate from one of Scotland's most prestigious universities. The accomplished actor, writer and television presenter was made an honorary Doctor of Science by the University of St Andrews, Fife, this morning. He joins fellow Monty Python members Terry Jones, who...

Britain’s Brexiversary woes in 10 “I told you so’s”

Today Britain celebrates its first Brexiversary. A year on from the vote to leave the European Union we are already a poorer, weaker and less happy nation than we once were and we haven't even properly started the process yet. With our only political moves being ones to sure-up existing EU...

Retail figures paint grim picture ahead of Brexiversary

Grim retail figures have been released ahead of the one year anniversary of the European Union (EU) referendum. From 2016-2017, UK consumers, on a daily average, made 3,923,336 purchases online, but that number plummeted on key Brexit dates. The day referendum results were announced 1,642,100 purchases were made in the UK...

Dacre bleu: The Daily Mail wage war on “fascist left”

The Daily Mail has waged a war on the "fascist left" in what may go down as one of the most ironic pieces of journalism in media history. After it was crushed by so-called "alt left" publications in the 2017 General Election right-wing editor Paul Dacre launched a full scale attack in...

Protesters march in peace as Fleet Street unleashes a day of rage

Protesters marched in peace today just hours after the media unleashed a day of rage. Anti-austerity activists marched from Shepherds Bush to Downing Street following the tragic Grenfell Tower incident and “brutal austerity, cuts and anti-immigrant attacks”. According to the 2017 Social Progress Index released this week Britain is flat-lining on...

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