Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Top 50 British films of all time revealed

The Italian Job has been named the greatest British film ever made. A survey of 2,000 Brits put Peter Collinson's stylish 1969 crime caper in top spot - with fans fondly remembering its famous Mini Cooper chases and cliffhanger ending. The film tells the story of a gang of English...

Trillion tonne iceberg breaks away from Antarctic ice shelf

A trillion tonne iceberg has broken away from the Antarctic ice shelf in what has been described by scientists as an event which will change the landscape of the Antarctic Peninsula forever. Researchers have been monitoring a huge crack in the Larsen C Ice Shelf for some time and say the...

Corbyn sends Labour’s manifesto to Theresa May for policy inspiration

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn trolled Theresa May by sending her a copy of Labour's manifesto for policy inspiration. The PM was criticised by Tory MPs after she appealed to other parties to support her policies, saying they should “come forward” with their own ideas for policy and to “contribute, not just criticise”....

Watch: £6.3 million worth of Thames Clippers being built

A fascinating video has been released showing how the legendary Thames Clippers get built. Mercury Clipper, the latest addition to the MBNA Thames Clippers fleet, entered full service this week after a ten month build and a 200 nautical mile journey to its new home on the Thames in London....

Reach Malaysian paradise for under £400 with new routes

Malaysian paradise is more reachable than ever thanks to new routes launched by Asia’s largest airline China Southern Airlines from London Heathrow. The airline has announced a new route to Malaysian paradise of Langkawi after it increased its London Heathrow-Guangzhou service to twice daily, meaning passengers can now take advantage of improved connection...

Energy Business

Every household in UK should get a one-off £285 rebate on fuel bills

Citizens Advice has recommended that every household in the UK should get a one-off £285 rebate on fuel bills after energy networks claim £7.5 billion in "unjustified" profits over the past eight years. The independent charity says the network of firms had enjoyed a multi-billion pound windfall at the expense of consumers, blaming regulator...

INK: And the true cost of a good story

Larry Lamb was a man who, along with bearing a plethora of other scars from a life on Fleet Street, had a prominent mark on his forehead that for years was a source of great speculation within London’s notorious publishing district. His reputation often proceeded him and the rumours were...

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