Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

New dating app launched for people with a blue tick on Twitter

A new dating app has been launched for people who have verified accounts on Twitter. From now on those important enough to have a blue tick after their name will be able to access LoveFlutter's premium version called BLUE - which matches up verified Twitter people with other verified Twitter people. The...

The London Economic

This is the perfect job, according to research

The perfect job is a four-day, 24 hour week with a salary of £61,000 a year, free fruit and a boss who likes a pint, according to new research. Other requirements for the ideal role are regular reviews and pay rises, being allowed to work in jeans, flexible working hours...

Sacre bleu! Air France launches hipster airline

Air France is set to launch an airline for millennials in September. The so-called hipster airline, called Joon in reference to “jeune,” or young, in French, will be “aimed at a young working clientele, the millennials (18 to 35 year-olds), whose lifestyles revolve around digital technology", according to an official statement....

Summer 2017: The start of the Brexit voter’s getaway

Of the 17 and a half million people who voted for Brexit how many will be jetting off to Europe for some summer sun this year? Last week record air traffic numbers were recorded in UK airspace with 8,800 flights leaving or entering British skies. The day after the schools break...

Struggling to revise? Get drunk, according to research

Drinking alcohol improves memory for information learned before the drinking episode began, new research has found. In the University of Exeter study, 88 social drinkers were given a word-learning task. Participants were then split in two groups at random and told either to drink as much as they liked (the...

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