Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Health, Wealth, Happiness: America in crisis

Of all the indicators used to track the well-being of a nation it seems perverse that happiness is seldom used as the real test of success. A nation is more often judged to be "doing well" if its unemployment rates are low, if it has a healthy trade balance, if its currency...

London Escapes in Under an Hour: Macdonald Hotel, Windsor

If London wasn’t so inherently historic in itself the prospect of visiting a royal peculiar chapel, occupied castle and great park within a half hour trip would surely be too much to resist for most urban dwellers. Sat on the River Thames adjacent to Eton and within a stone’s throw...

Flickr: jqpubliq - Alien Attack Moonset 2

Firm sets up “alien insurance waiting list” following NASA announcement

A budget insurance firm has created a waiting list for customers looking to protect themselves – against alien damage. Following NASA’s recent announcement about the discovery of seven exoplanets, three of which could potentially support life, speculation has arisen over how we might protect our homes and possessions should damage...

Artist Luke Jerram with his installation, Museum of the Moon, in the University of Bristol Great Hall, Wills Memorial Building, Bristol. See SWNS story SWMOON; Measuring seven metres in diameter, Luke’s Moon features detailed NASA imagery of the lunar surface. Each centimetre on his moon represents 5km on the surface of the Earth's largest natural satellite. The installation in the Great Hall is part of the Moon’s international tour in which it is presented in different ways, both indoors and outdoors, altering the experience of the artwork for different audiences worldwide.

Stunning scale-model of the Moon goes on display

A stunning scale-model of the Moon has gone on display to give star-gazers a chance to see it up close. The model - measuring 21 feet in diameter - uses NASA imagery at a sale of 1:500,000 to reveal amazing detail of its pitted surface. 'Museum of the Moon' has...

The age of discrimination

Millions of over 50s have suffered age ​discrimination at work, in shops and even in ​their local GP's surgery, the UK’s biggest-ever study into life after 50 has found. ​Since turning 50, almost four in ten people said they experienced some kind of age discrimination with 62 per cent of those believing they have lost out on a job because...

Amazon tribe have the healthiest arteries ever studied

Modern life really does kill after a remote tribe living deep in the Amazon were found to have the healthiest arteries ever studied. A new study estimates that an 80-year-old from the Tsimane has the same vascular age as an American in their mid-fifties. Heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, and...

A young boy watches the third race of the day at the Gold Cup, the final day of the horse racing, at the Cheltenham Festival 2017, which is also St Patrick's Day. March 17 2017.

In pictures: Paddy’s day at Cheltenham

The Gold Cup is always a special day in the racing calendar, and this year has been no different. Coinciding with St Patrick's day people have turned out in their droves to watch a day of racing that features one of the most prestigious races of the year. And on...

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