Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

World’s first crowdfunded hospital opens in Aleppo

The World's first crowdfunded hospital will open tomorrow in Aleppo. Hope Hospital, which was funded by 4,800 single donations from people all over the world, will open to treat the children of Aleppo sending a  strong message of solidarity to the Syrian doctors (the Independent Doctors Association) who were rebuilding...

This baaaaa-rmy footage shows a parade of 200 ewes trotting from the top of a tiny village to lamb in a field below in a 90-year-old tradition that marks the start of spring. See Ross Parry story RPYSHEEP; The pregnant sheep on Hodgson's farm in Askrigg in the Yorkshire Dales make the two mile journey downhill over five days every year to move to a safe sheltered field to give birth to their lambs. The journey through the steep village, which has a population of just 550, in North Yorks., is made in three stages to give the ewes, who are ready to drop, ample rest during their relocation. The move causes such a spectacle that locals and tourists in the village, made famous by the 80s TV show All Creatures Great and Small, flock to the streets to watch the procession. Farmer's wife, Heather Hodgson, 45, told how the whole family get in on the act with eldest daughter Chloe, 6, heading the herd by opening up the gates. Chloe even dressed especially for the occasion are wore her Elsa dress, from the film Frozen. Next in line is father-in-law, David Hodgson, 69, who runs the farm with Heather's husband, James, 43, driving the tractor carrying son, Ro, 11, who was throwing ewe nuts to the sheep to encourage them to follow. Bringing up the rear was farmer James, Heather, their youngest daughter, Jo, 4, and their sheepdog, Max, 8.

Ewe’ll never believe it: Spring is here

This baaaaa-rmy footage shows a parade of 200 ewes trotting from the top of a tiny village to lamb in a field below in a 90-year-old tradition that marks the start of spring. The pregnant sheep on Hodgson's farm in Askrigg in the Yorkshire Dales make the two mile journey...

The two leaflets featuring the Mayor of Watford  Dorothy Thornhill that were taken at her front door. See National copy NNMAYOR: The Mayor of Watford has appeared on two election leaflets canvassing support at her own front door. The leaflets posted to residents in the North Watford and Nascot and Park wards show almost identical shots of Mayor Dorothy Thornhill talking to an unknown “constituent”, accompanied by either Ian Stotesbury or Mark Watkin - the Lib Dem county council candidates for those two areas. However it has been revealed that the staged photographs were actually taken from inside Mayor Thornhill’s own home in Oxhey Road, a considerable distance from either ward.

Lib Dem Mayor caught canvassing her own home

The Lib Dem Mayor of Watford canvassed support at her own front door in two staged election leaflets. The photographs were taken from inside Mayor Dorothy Thornhill's own home and showed her talking to an unknown "constituent" standing on her own doorstep. The leaflets showed almost identical shots of Mayor...

The latin graffiti on the houses in Chesterton, Cambridge. See Masons copy MNLATIN: An educated vandal has attacked a new £1.25m houses in one of Britain's top university cities - with graffiti in LATIN. The protestor made his mark in an apparent objection at the lack of affordable new for locals in Cambridge, one of the UK's property hotspots. He daubed 'locus in domos loci populum' - in large white letters on four newly-built detached homes - which roughly means 'Local homes for local people'.

Is this the most “Cambridge” act of vandalism ever?

An educated vandal has attacked a new £1.25m houses in one of Britain's top university cities - with graffiti in LATIN. The protestor made his mark in an apparent objection at the lack of affordable new for locals in Cambridge, one of the UK's property hotspots. He daubed 'locus in...

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