Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Yoga classes can lead to better sex lives, apparently

Twice weekly yoga classes help men undergoing prostate cancer treatment have better sex lives and be less tired, a new study found. Men who attended a 75 minute long yoga session twice a week during prostate cancer radiation treatment were less tired and had better sexual and urinary function than...

Pictures show devastation caused by rubbish thrown in the sea

This shocking photo shows the devastation caused by rubbish thrown in the sea - a dead dolphin washed up in Britain surrounded by the waste which may have killed it, The sad picture shows a dead bottlenose dolphin next to a pile of plastics, rope, bottles, flower pots, deodorant cans...

Donald Trump’s tweets come back to haunt him – again

Donald Trump's tweets have come back to haunt him once again as he launches strikes on Syria amidst plummeting approval ratings back home. Back in 2012 he claimed that President Obama would launch a strike in Syria because he was "desperate" over falling results in opinion polls, but Obama wasn't...

“I have dandruff” tops 999 time-wasting calls in March

A timewaster dialled 999 to report that he had DANDRUFF while another caller wanted an ambulance for his sick CAT. One man called emergency crews for assistance after he was bitten by a hamster and needed a plaster and a woman asked for help with her shopping. Shockingly, another person...

Staying within our comfort zones is becoming increasingly prominent

Risk-averse Brits are increasingly playing if safe, with nine out of ten admitting to living within their comfort zones. According to new research seven in ten say they typically try to avoid change or trying new things, preferring the tried and tested. Reasons for people staying put include worrying about what...

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