Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Would you eat these fried chicken doughnuts?

Ma’ Plucker of Soho's Beak Street has combined fried chicken with doughnuts to create new "Dirty Doughnuts". The eatery has created three dirty doughnuts including fried chicken with peanut butter, streaky bacon served on a jam filled doughnut, fried Chicken with jalapeño jelly served on a honey glazed mini doughnut and...

Pound slips towards parity with Euro as Brexit weighs

Speculation that the pound is set to reach parity with the Euro is rife after construction PMI data highlights Brexit’s negative impact on the economy. Following a week of heightened tensions over the North Korean missile aggression and stalled Brexit negotiations sterling took yet another battering at the start of the...

Prince William times paternity leave to perfection

Prince William is set to cash in on two weeks paternity leave just as the football World Cup kicks off in June. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announced today that they are expecting their third child with just nine months to go until the tournament kicks off in Russia....

Is Theresa May about to U-turn on public sector pay cap?

Theresa May could be about to make a U-turn on public sector pay caps, according to leaked documents. The PM stoically rejected calls to lift the 1 per cent pay cap after the controversial policy saw the average public sector worker lose £13,000 over the last seven years. But according...

800 years of additional imprisonment imposed on prisoners in a YEAR

Almost 800 years of additional imprisonment were imposed on prisoners found to have broken prison rules last year, as jails across England and Wales descended further into chaos. Research by the Howard League for Penal Reform reveals today (Monday 4 September) that prisons are routinely and increasingly resorting to draconian...

Is this the luckiest pub in the UK?

A pub known as the luckiest in the UK after three separate million-pound lottery wins in the last four years is sporting a new lucky sign. Cashing in on the unlikeliest of winning streaks, the Mallard's brand new sign welcomes visitors to 'The Lucky Duck'. Pub regular, Dave Long, smashed...

Should pensioners pay Brexit bill and be excluded from second referendum?

Pensioners should foot the Brexit bill and be excluded from a second referendum, according to a scathing letter sent in to the New European. The  tongue-in-cheek letter, being dubbed "Never mind cake, let them eat sovereignty",  was submitted by 54 year-old Chris Webster from Abergavenny in Wales, and suggests pensioners should...

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