Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

How Wembley is set to become the new Stratford

In the five years since the 2012 Olympics Stratford has managed to achieve something very few hosts before could; it has become an area of lasting transformation and a focal point for the emergence of East London as a cultural, residential, retail and employment hub. What was once a  brownfield site is now...

This house could be yours for £35,000 – but there’s a catch

House-hunters could snap up this three storey property for as little as £35,000 but it comes with a catch - as there's a TREE growing through the middle of it. The neglected building in King Street, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, has been sitting empty since it closed its doors as a funeral...

Merkel odds-on to form Jamaica Coalition

Angela Merkel is odds-on to piece together a so-called ‘Jamaica Coalition’ in the wake of her underwhelming victory in Sunday’s German federal elections. Merkel will enter her fourth term as Chancellor with just one third of the vote and she is now expected to partner with the yellow FDP party and the...

Naked ‘human canvases’ spotted in London today

A troupe of naked ‘human canvases’ has been spotted in London today. The human canvases, created by award-winning body paint artist Sarah Attwell, were commissioned to highlight Britain’s disconnect with the art world. According to new research one in six Brits say they have never set foot in an art gallery, with...

This is how long a woman’s career is set back by having a baby

Having a baby sets a woman's career back six years, according to a study of mothers. Researchers found becoming a mum can lead to missed promotion opportunities, issues caused by staff, management or procedural changes in the workplace as well as the fact new mum's arrive back at work with...

Mother and son sex shop becomes first UK vendor of sex robots

A mother and son who run an adult shop have become one of the first official vendors in the country - of sex ROBOTS. Tracey Whitmore and her son Christopher have gained the second licence in the country to sell 'realist' kinky robots - for a whopping £3,500. The mother-and-son...

This pub owner is giving away a million lunches for FREE

A pub owner has launched the ultimate meal deal by giving away a MILLION lunches - for free. Craig Harker, 30, is using a cashback promotion from a new payment app to fund the "biggest giveaway ever". He has vowed to hand out one million 'parmos' - a chicken dish...

45 years to stamp out zero hour contract “epidemic”

New analysis published today has revealed it will take 45 years to stamp out the epidemic of zero hours contracts if the current trend continues. The latest ONS figures, released this week, show a drop in the number of workers on zero hours contracts of 20,000 compared to last year...

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