Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Let’s see how Hammond will defend these figures

Philip Hammond will present the Budget next week amidst new global figures that show the UK is now bottom of the growth league among major economies in Europe and North America. The data on GDP up to Q3 2017 puts Britain significantly behind its peers, dropping below Belgium, Italy and France....

This is the one incredible thing Donald Trump has done for US women

Sexist, misogynistic and with a list of sexual misconduct allegations that would make even Harvey Weinstein blush, Donald Trump has hardly been the face of feminism in his first year in office - But he has done one remarkable thing for US women. Emily's List, which helps elect pro-choice Democratic female candidates to...

Kyle Abraham’s seminal work Pavement makes UK debut at Sadler’s Wells

Kyle Abraham is set to debut his seminal work Pavement at Sadler's Wells this week. Pavement is set in a culture plagued by discrimination and genocide in Pittsburgh’s historically black neighbourhoods. Performed with seven dancers in Abraham’s trademark interdisciplinary style, which Abraham typically refers to as a 'post-modern gumbo', combining...

Big Bang Theory

University invents new version of rock, paper, scissors

Forget rock, paper, scissors - a professor at Exeter University has invented a new version of the game to help people understand war, politics and power. University of Exeter expert Professor Neville Morley has worked with local developers Kaleider to invent new games which bring the work of Thucydides to life...

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