Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

How the mainstream media spun success into defeat for Corbyn

Mainstream media outlets have today spun a successful election result into one that looks like defeat for Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party. Despite Labour winning more seats than all other parties combined the BBC pointed to "mixed results" for Labour, highlighting losses in safe Tory seats such as Wandsworth...

Local elections 2018: It’s all about Brexit

"Being a Remainer and voting Labour is like being a vegetarian and ordering steak", was the meme making the rounds on social media before yesterday's local elections. And so it proved to be as the first results trickled in this morning. With UKIP all but obliterated across the country Labour...

Tories could face a wipe-out in key London local election battlegrounds

A shift towards Liberal and Labour votes could leave the Conservatives facing an election wipe-out in the local elections today. According to political traders the Liberal Democrats could seize key seats in the poll, including a stronghold in Richmond. Labour currently hold control over 20 out of 32 boroughs in the capital,...

Top 5 UK vineyards of 2018 revealed

In the year between April 2017 and April 2018, UK wine producers planted a record one million vines, meaning an extra two million bottles will enter the market in 2018. The UK’s wine production has been on the up for well over a decade now, and with British summers becoming...

Poll reveals cash strapped Britain is beset with buyer’s remorse

A new study has revealed buyer's remorse is becoming increasingly prominent as cashed-strapped Brits are forced to dip into their savings for extravagant buys. Clothes, a car – and engagement rings are among the purchases Brits have bought but later regretted, A poll of 5,000 adults found. More than half...

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