Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Best wines for Father’s Day 2018

Father's Day and wine are synonymous for the millions of people looking to treat their old man this weekend. Whether it's cooking the dinner or wrapping up a bottle for later a good vino is a sure fire way to their heart. And if you're looking for a bottle to...

Devil in the Detail

Boris Johnson warns of ‘Brexit meltdown’ in leaked recordings

Boris Johnson has warned that there will be a Brexit meltdown in Britain with exit talks approaching a "moment of truth". The Foreign Secretary has recently called for "guts" in negotiations with the EU and has dismissed concerns over the Irish Border in public. But recordings from a private dinner...

Why Ramadan is the best time to visit Dubai

Of the many reasons one might choose to visit Dubai it would seem culture and heritage seldom appear at the top of the list any more. In a region that is steeped in history the Emirate has almost become a victim of its own success in shifting the gaze of...

Work now takes up 42% of our lives

The nation’s employees believe work now takes up 42 per cent of their life, according to research. Researchers carried out a detailed study of 2,000 adults in employment and found we all want more downtime. Half of those polled agreed waking up in the morning and dreading the day ahead...

4 million forced to use food banks as poverty grips Britain

New figures have revealed that nearly four million adults in the UK have been forced to use food banks as poverty grips Britain. The research, which comes hot heels of revelations leaked yesterday that Britain has nine out of the ten poorest regions in Northern Europe, found there to be "shocking"...

New tool helps you see how your school has been affected by cuts

A new tool has been released which reveals how individual schools have been hit by government cuts. Some £2.8 billion has been cut from school budgets since 2015. That equates to an average of £54,000 cut per primary school and 205,600 per secondary school. A new School Cuts App shows...

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