Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Jobs linked to foreign investment drop 54% amid Brexit headwinds

Safeguarded jobs in the UK have fallen 54 per cent in the past year as the number of UK projects funded by Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) dropped nine per cent, the Department for International Tradrevealed today. Wales is the worst affected region, with projects down 33 per cent, Scotland has...

Artist creates portraits out of discarded train tickets

Check out this first class artwork – made completely out of old train tickets. British artist, Ed Chapman, 47, created the portraits of well-known East Midlanders including Sir David Attenborough, Sir Isaac Newton and Gary Lineker OBE using over 3,000 discarded tickets. The 10 pieces took a whopping 280 hours...

UK export growth slows while European exporters flourish

UK export growth is slowing while European exporters are starting to flourish again, according to the latest European Export Index. The latest findings from the quarterly index show that UK exports have fallen to their lowest level since Q1 of 2016, when uncertainty loomed ahead of the nation’s vote to...

Top 5 restaurants in Mykonos

Whether you are looking for beach-side dining, spectacular views or traditional Greek tavernas, Mykonos has it all when it comes to fine dining spots. For an island that celebrates diversity, it is not surprising that there is a plethora of restaurants on offer that are either buried within the cosy whitewashed...

In numbers: UK jobs lost to Brexit so far this year

Airbus's announcement that it is weighing up its future in the UK has sent shockwaves across the political spectrum today. With no assurances over Britain's future trading arrangements the boss of one of the world’s biggest aircraft manufacturers warned that Brexit would have "severe negative consequences for the UK aerospace...

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