Jack Peat

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).

He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.

Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Brexit 9/4 to not take place for at least 3 years

Odds on a three year delay to Brexit have plummeted with bookmakers now pricing it at 9/4. April-June 2019 is still the most likely Brexit date at just 11/10, with the much trumpeted official leaving date of 29th March now a very unlikely 10/1. But according to Betway the second...

BA aircraft sport heritage livery as the airline celebrates centenary

The fourth and final British Airways aircraft in a heritage livery touched down at Heathrow this morning. The Boeing 747 adorned the Negus design which was originally on the British Airways fleet from 1974-1980. Its arrival rounds off a nostalgic few weeks for the aviation community, with aviation enthusiasts having...

Theresa May gives MPs a “clear choice” on Brexit

Theresa May has returned to the UK with a "clear choice" on Brexit following eight hours of talks with EU leaders. Brexit will be delayed until 22 May if MPs approve her deal next week, but there will be a much shorter delay - until 12 April - if they do...

Spoil mum with our top wine picks this Mother’s Day

Mother's Day is around the corner and while gifts and cards make the cut nothing beats cracking open a good bottle of wine to celebrate. This year we have wines from across the world to help you make the right pick for the occasion. From old world to new, red...

Eric Cantona reveals “Brexit bunker” between UK and France

Eric Cantona has unveiled a Brexit bunker somewhere in between the UK and France as tensions mount over the exit process. The whole country seemed up in arms following Theresa May's speech last night after she said there would no change of course on Brexit and she would “work night...

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