Brexiteer Mark Francois says the “country will explode” if UK doesn’t leave EU on October 31st
A bemused Ash Sarkar responded: "I don't think the country will explode, I don't think that's the case"
Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).
He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.
Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
A bemused Ash Sarkar responded: "I don't think the country will explode, I don't think that's the case"
"This is the lowest form of journalism, focused only on chasing sales with absolutely no regard for the devastation caused to lives as a consequence."
A crowd of protesters, holding signs saying “defend democracy”, “reopen Parliament” and “they misled the Queen”, gathered outside the court in London today.
The ex PM said the Tories had a "window of permission from the public" following the 2010 General Election.
They have had so many donations the site has crashed.
Pro-Brexit MPs called it an ambush, but Luxembourg PM Bettel said it is UK citizens abroad who are being held hostage for "party political gains".
The charity spends just 2 per cent of its income abroad saving countless lives, but that didn't stop the outrage last night.
A study released earlier this year found austerity is to blame for 130,000 ‘preventable’ deaths in the UK since 2012.
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