Right-wing political commentator compares Greta Thunberg to Nazi propaganda
Dinesh D'Souza posted an image on Sunday of Greta wearing her trademark pigtails alongside a Nazi-era poster featuring a young girl, with similar features and hair.
Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).
He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.
Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Dinesh D'Souza posted an image on Sunday of Greta wearing her trademark pigtails alongside a Nazi-era poster featuring a young girl, with similar features and hair.
People have criticised the establishment for years - but when a movement comes along that seeks to genuinely change it they shy away.
Avid fans caught the 5.45am Italy vs Namibia game ahead of the opening Home Nation clashes of Ireland vs. Scotland and England vs. Tonga games on Sunday morning.
The policy announcement comes after the Sunday Times Good University Guide found Russell Group universities continue to be the worst performers for social inclusion.
Sixty-nine per cent of Brits are unclear on what Labour's Brexit position is.
The top three places in this year’s guide, filled by Cambridge, Oxford and St Andrews, are also three out of the four worst performers when it comes to accepting students from non-selective schools.
Fifty nine per cent say the Lib Dem's policy on Brexit is clear, compared to 69 per cent who say Labour's Brexit position is unclear.
Writing in the Mail Humphrys said he is now free from the judgment of BBC bosses, and can write what he pleases.
A leaked WhatsApp message from an insider says the party will either split or Jeremy Corbyn will be removed.
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