Leave.EU apologises for “racist” Angela Merkel tweet
The campaign group had posted a picture of the German Chancellor with the words: “We didn’t win two world wars to be pushed around by a Kraut.”
Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE).
He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author.
Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
The campaign group had posted a picture of the German Chancellor with the words: “We didn’t win two world wars to be pushed around by a Kraut.”
A series of "electoral shocks" has left the British electorate more volatile than ever.
"It’s already said it’s willing to flush the economy down the toilet, but now we won’t have the paper to clean up after", MP Jonathan Edwards said.
“This is a budget developed in the shadow of Brexit and the context for Brexit has shifted to no deal as our central assumption", the Finance Minster said.
“You don’t want a deal, you don’t want an extension, you don’t want to revoke, quo vadis?”, he said.
The report said Britain’s economic fortunes were tied up with the outcome of Brexit and a possible general election, leading to the conclusion that the outlook would be much brighter if Mr Corbyn led the next government rather than Mr Johnson.
Smithfield Market was blocked by Animal Rebellion and transformed into a vegan market.
The UK paid £15.5 billion for EU membership in 2018 - businesses will shoulder that in customs payments alone if we pursue a no deal Brexit.
Pizza Express set for debt talks with creditors amid difficult trading conditions for casual dining chains in the UK.
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