Guest Contributor

Guest Contributor

Britain: A Real Life Story

By Deborah Hodge Brexit has unearthed some deep seated xenophobia and staggering U-turns from politicians. The vote has divided the country even more. The class system is alive and well. Under Cameron we have seen More Brits are living off benefits today than at any other time since the establishment of the...

Ston Easton Park

Hotel review: Ston Easton Park

Thirteen years ago my husband and I, married that day, waved goodbye to family and friends through the rear window of a 1957 Armstrong Siddeley. It was midnight, we were giddy with excitement and had no idea where we were headed. My parents had arranged a surprise hotel for our...

Ex-Sun Editor Kelvin MacKenzie Brexit U-turn…bit late mate

By Steve Taggart It appears that former Sun editor Kelvin MacKenzie is regretting opting for the Leave campaign and writing quite a few articles on the subject. MacKenzie has “buyer’s” remorse after backing Brexit, and it “fearful” about what lies ahead. Twitter had a few comments for him… Kelvin MacKenzie's column...

Happiness at Work

Ask most managers what their top priorities are for their direct reports and I would be hugely surprised if the word ‘happiness’ appeared anywhere on a list littered with words like ‘productivity’, ‘creativity’ ‘target-orientated’, ‘efficient’ etc. But we are now interested in the idea of happiness at work (and in...


Has the Second EU referendum petition been hacked?

By Tom Lowenstein @stoopnik As it emerges that the parliament petition was actually set up by a pro-leave right wing activist, huge numbers of votes from ineligible countries could undermine Remainers’ hopes of a second referendum The petition demanding a second EU referendum has now passed three million signatures, but...

Blame Culture Is Responsible For Brexit

By Dani Porter As many others are likely feeling right now, I am stunned. I barely have the words, or perhaps too many words, to know where to start on this very bleak, dispiriting day. There is much I could say on how I feel this is a terrible decision for...

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