Elena Orde

Elena Orde

Elena is Communications Officer at The Vegan Society, and Editor of The Vegan magazine. She writes blogs and articles for numerous publications, interviews vegans in the public eye and speaks at vegan events. Did you catch that she’s vegan?

How Many Animals Could You Save By Going Vegan?

The Vegan Society have launched a new web app for World Vegan Month. A fun interactive project, the Veganalyser shows users how many animals they could save if they went vegan, as well as showing non-vegans how many animals they have saved already. Over 30,000 people have engaged with it...

Is It Time To Let Dairy Fail?

A recent article by a dairy chief executive describes an industry in crisis, stating that demand for milk products are falling. It blames health professionals for warning the younger generations away from dairy, and speaks of a new ‘three-a-day’ dairy campaign to be launched soon. This initiative will promote daily...
