Clair Hart

Clair Hart

Clair is a (real) mum of two toddlers (eleven months apart - yes, it's full-on), a part time employee, and spare-time writer of all things family and lifestyle.

Car hire rip-off, don’t get your pants pulled down abroad

Have you ever heard the expression 'buy cheap, buy twice'? Well, when it comes to car hire rip-off, this couldn't be more accurate. There are the usual car hire rip-off tactics; charging you for your fuel before you take the car and then refunding you a fraction of the cost when you...

Sardinia: The best holiday destination for toddlers? 

Sardinia Holiday Review: South West area, Pula and Chia. I love hot holidays, so as much as my husband tried to convince me that a holiday cottage in Wales was the answer to relaxation with kids, I was having none of it. If you don’t get on a plane, it’s...

Cool gadget: Sammy Screamer

Sammy Screamer is a movement sensor that can be attached to pretty much anything to monitor if it moves alerting the owner via an alarm and app notification. All good things come in small packages and this is no exception.   The little screamer itself is so tactile and the colour...

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