Business Mogul Skeptical About Cryptocurrencies, Prefers NFTs
Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin, who is actively investing in digital economy, is skeptical about cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin.
Ben is a freelance writer and journalist who is a regular contributor on multiple national news websites and blogs.
Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin, who is actively investing in digital economy, is skeptical about cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin.
Opening a new business is always a cause for celebration, especially with so much grit and determination required to realise the initial idea. Here is an overview of what to look out for based on the main risks for new businesses.
Global Palladium Fund, a metals distributor established by Russian base and precious metals producer Nornickel, launched the GPF Physical Electric Vehicle Metals Exchange Traded Commodity (ETC), which combines metals essential to the energy transition and electric vehicles.
With cyclings popularity at an all time high we take a look at some tips when it comes to buying an electric gravel bike.
It is official. Streaming services have seen record growth during the COVID-19 pandemic, with social distancing and work-from-home becoming part of our daily lives. We take a closer look at how habits have changed.
What struck me the moment I landed in Sri Lanka was that it didn’t quite look like the Instagram photos. I realise this is true of everywhere. But Sri Lanka has a real problem, with plastic.
A safeguarding account is a special kind of segregated account that keeps a client's funds separate from the company's operational funds. We take a look at factors to consider and requirements to set one up.
Stanislav Kondrashov reminds that a universal business language is finance. Even in non-profit economy sectors, finance plays a key role in making decisions related to available funds and activities that can and can’t be done.
Reward cards are still a popular way for companies to attract new customers and retain existing ones.We take a look at some of the most popular and rewarding in the UK. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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