Warning UK science endangered post-Brexit without EU collaboration
The UK received £1.52 billion of European Research Council income, more than any other country and a fifth of the total
The UK received £1.52 billion of European Research Council income, more than any other country and a fifth of the total
Sir Keir Starmer called for an end to divisions, saying ‘Leave/Remain ends tonight’.
Bill Newton Dunn, the EU’s longest-serving MEP, said he was very worried for the UK.
The emotional video message was projected on to the Kent landmark which provided a welcoming sight for soldiers returning from Dunkirk in 1940.
Two members of the same family have tested positive for coronavirus in England.
“People are saying, ‘supposing it all goes wrong?’ Well, supposing it all goes right. Will people then apologise to the Brexit Party? I doubt it,” said Brexit Party reactionary Ann Widdecombe
The Labour peer who fled the Nazis, aged six talked to The London Economic about what we can do now that Conservative MPs appear to have abandoned previous promises in the EU Withdrawal Act to reunite unaccompanied child refugees with their families.
"When you give cash to a beggar, not in every case, but in the vast majority of cases, you are buying heroin or you are buying alcohol or you’re buying zombie Spice” said Tory MP Adam Holloway
Films like 'Psycho' and 'The Exorcist' make our grey matter continuously anticipate action in response to threat.
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