Monty Python star Terry Jones dies aged 77
The actor, director and comedian had a rare form of dementia.
The actor, director and comedian had a rare form of dementia.
Ian Blackford accused the UK Government of using the legislation for a power grab, criticising the “gross disrespect from Boris Johnson and his Brexit fanboys that are in Number 10 Downing Street”.
Britain’s budget deficit is expected to rise this year, warns the Office for National Statistics.
The US Treasury Secretary has highlighted the prospect of retaliatory trade tariffs if the UK presses ahead with taxing US tech giants.
Ministry of Justice figures show there were 308 deaths in prison in the 12 months to September as the government is accused of failing to take action which could prevent deaths in prison.
17 people have died from coronavirus and hundreds of others have been infected, with cases detected in countries including the US, Japan and South Korea.
‘The facts are clear, but they are still too uncomfortable for you to address,’ Swedish activist Greta Thunberg told leaders in Davos.
Former SNP first minister Alex Salmond appears in court on Wednesday accused of offences against 10 women, including attempted rape and a series of sexual assaults.
With Brexit day looming on January 31, a power battle has commenced between Boris Johnson’s government and the House of Lords over rights and powers eroded in his EU Withdrawal Agreement – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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