Brexit a ‘self-inflicted wound of unparalleled severity’ – Phillip Inman
"As self-inflicted disasters go, it ranks as one of the worst in modern economic history."
"As self-inflicted disasters go, it ranks as one of the worst in modern economic history."
Tory MPs in Labour-facing seats say there are growing numbers of people who insist they will only vote Tory if Boris is leading them.
"You can seen Oliver's cognitive dissonance, quite literally rippling out from him", Otto English said.
"I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of what people have said in the past", Greg Hands said.
It will be one of the biggest charitable donations to war victims in history and could be completed within weeks.
He had a Covid cup, a Ukraine cup, an energy cup but, curiously, no 'we severed ties with our biggest trading partner' cup.
It comes after Meghan and Harry dismissed his apology, saying there was a "pattern" in the presenter's writing.
The streaming service won’t be working with him beyond seasons of The Grand Tour and Clarkson’s Farm that have been commissioned
Just like that, his emissions have dropped to zero! – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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