This 17-second take-down of Nigel Farage promises to instantly improve your day
The video has also given birth to an unwanted hashtag on Twitter.
The video has also given birth to an unwanted hashtag on Twitter.
“If there are any MPs who genuinely believe Brexit is delivering what was promised then they should say so", Peter Packham said.
The broadcaster claimed the former Labour leader had refused to offer up "any kind of apology" over the row over anti-Semitism.
Tens of thousands of junior doctors have entered the third day of strike action in England today.
The MP's 'Mail Mogg' segment saw a letter from Peter Rees-Mogg being read out live on the show - at least one person's watching!
"There is money in our political system. Where it gets spent is a political choice."
Fox said his kids had been taught - incorrectly, in his opinion - about consent in school.
The LBC presenter thanked supporters for their expressions of concern.
The move would rely on a strong economic recovery too. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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