St George’s Day protester says English identity has been ‘eroded’ because we no longer eat meat and two veg
Protesters took to the street on Tuesday with six people arrested by the Met Police.
Protesters took to the street on Tuesday with six people arrested by the Met Police.
The drama erupted after a serviceman was thrown from his horse in Buckingham Palace Road on Wednesday.
"Don't f**k with me", the Reform UK man told one policeman
Like it or not, St George's Day just isn't a big deal in England. Our sister publication JOE took to the streets to find out why.
‘The sewage problem in the UK is pretty horrific'
Flat whites. Croissants. GREGGS!
Journalists and commentators have described Lloyd Evans' column as "grim" and "misogynistic".
James Leppard said we "don't need Muslims" here, adding that they "add nothing".
Myra Carvalho, 35, was said to have stalked the singer by sending him 8,000 cards in less than a month. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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