Born unequal?

By Rachel Wilson, Political Reporter In a rich country such as the UK, there should be certain minimum standards below which no one should fall. In 2010, for the first time ever, the government set itself the target to end childhood poverty for good. Households Below Average Income (HBAI) is ...

De-constructing a thriving work environment

by Simon Middleton of Watershed  Bernard Marr, author of Enterprise Performance Expert, recently wrote quite a heated blog outlining why he believes Human Resources departments have had their day. According to Marr, HR departments no longer add value and demean human talent. While his views strongly resonate, there is a ...

Can the UK embrace a cycling culture?

By Phil Benton  Follow @paolobento The UK is not a cycling country. Well not yet, at least. In 2012, just two per cent of all journeys were made by bike according to government statistics. In August of this year, David Cameron unveiled ambitious plans to start ‘a cycling revolution’ with the ...

Ecommerce; the ticking timebomb

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic Watch Shop is symbolic of how evolutionary pressures on the ecommerce market could manifest themselves in the future. It wasn’t until a recent musing on the London Underground that I realised the potential of specialisation on the web. An advert for Watch ...

The Hunger shames

By Joe Mellor, In house Reporter Dangerous immigrants are in this country to sponge from the state, devour royal swans and car jack pensioners.It’s a fact, deal with it.And soon an influx of Bulgarians and Romanians are coming to pester you for change outside your local Pizza Express.But that’s not until ...

Waiting for the Great Leap Forward

By Pieter Cranenbroek – International Politics Blogger Music has always been a stage used to criticise the political order, but in the past week Morrissey and Billy Bragg both decided to air their grievances on politics and society off stage. Both singers stressed the problem with the lack of accountability in ...

The Throne of Games

By Adam Walker, Economic Correspondent   Is the Video games industry our Christmas Saviour? As the Christmas season begins to move into its busiest period the commercial world’s focus has been firmly fixed on the videogames industry. With a multitude of Triple A game titles being released across 2013 and ...

White British; the Madeleine McCann story

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic The Madeleine McCann story offers the most potent example of what makes British media tick and what British people want to read. Although crimes and atrocities occur every day, there are criteria which land them on page nine and conditions which qualify ...

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