High time for reform

By Drew Nicol  The US state of Colorado has taken centre stage for the first controversy of 2014 by declaring the legalisation of cannabis for recreational use. The decision has followed the new trend of a liberalising of attitudes towards cannabis, which began when Uruguay became the first country to ...

Digital trends in 2014

Four ways in which the digital stratosphere will be altered by business in 2014. By Adam Walker 1) Businesses will Continue to Ruin Social Media (particularly YouTube) In a similar way to how Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are now stuffed full of advertising, the same destiny is awaiting this year’s ...

New year, new jobs market

By Valentina Magri Signs of life are stirring from Britain’s labour market after several years of stagnant growth. That’s the conclusion of the latest CBI-Accenture employment trends survey, conducted between September and October 2013. The respondents - senior executives from firms of all sizes and sectors - reported there is ...

What’s right with the left

What’s right with the left, is what’s left of the right, right?   By Joe Mellor, In house Reporter  When I was a child growing up watching political programmes on a Sunday morning (I know, I should have got out more) I believed that Labour and Tory politicians would not ...

Why we should teach our Children Mandarin

By Valentina Magri Languages and China European languages are no more rewarding than those from further afield. At least, that’s the opinion of prime minister David Cameron, who said on his return from the trip to China: “By the time the children born today leave school, China is set to ...

Reflex xenophobia

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic Twenty fourteen has begun with a shameful dose of xenophobia as 'floods' of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants 'invade' British shores, pillaging our lax benefits system and 'robbing' hard-working Brits of much-needed employment. Scaremongering and sensationalism are commonplace in the dark corners of ...

Life in the UK in 2013

By Valentina Magri 'Life is beautiful' is not just the title of a famous Italian comedy-drama, as of 2013, it may be also the statement of the typical English citizen. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has recently released a report entitled 'How’s Life in 2013', measuring the ...

Power struggle in Turkey: Erdogan versus Gulen

By Cagri Cobanoglu – the foreign news editor of Akşam – a national Turkish daily After more than a decade in power, the AK Party of Turkey is facing its biggest crisis yet. After a massive corruption scandal involving sons of three cabinet ministers broke out on 17 December, the ...

The times they are a changing

By Drew Nicol 2013 has been a historic year for women’s sport. TV presenter Clare Balding, prophesised back in January that: “When the history of sport is written in 100 years’ time they will look back at 2012 and the Olympics and Paralympics and see the impact in 2013.” – ...

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