HMRC’s Draconian New Powers

By Joshua Danton Boyd Ever since the recession hit, tax avoidance has increasingly come to the fore. Whether touted by the Government as a way to balance the books or calls from citizens to tackle the big offenders, pressure has mounted on HMRC to solve the problem once and for ...

Pepe Reina – penalty saver

Sport News 24/7 By Andy Ollerhead It’s an emotional game this football lark (Or maybe totes emoshe, think it was added to Oxford dictionary today) and Liverpool fans had a typically divisive heart vs head moment last week with the news that Pepe Reina was swapping the sub bench splinters ...

I love Trains

By Nathan Lee I’ve always been fond of trains. In fact, I’m quite partial to most forms of transport other than the one that is socially acceptable; cars. But burdened as I might be by my nonconformity, I may not be as alone as I once thought. As it turns ...

Italy back to recession

By Valentina Magri Mamma mia, here we go again. But this time is different: neither Abba nor Mr Berlusconi are part of the story. Despite this fact, there is an eerie feeling over déjà vu in the air. Italy has dipped back into recession for the third time since 2008. The ...

Newcastle United – A transfer of fortunes?

Sport News 24/7   By Ian Carroll It’s been an odd summer. After United finished the season well before everybody else, signing off with a 3-1 win at West Ham in January, this last few months have seen something very rare happen- Newcastle United have actually bothered to sign some ...

3/4 of professionals work longer than stipulated contract

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Nearly three-quarters (73.4%) of the professionals who responded to the 2014 Morgan McKinley UK Working Hours Survey say they are working longer than the hours stipulated in their contracts. Among Finance Senior Contract personnel, more than 92% stated that they work more than their contracted ...

Revolutionise your workout with Speedflex

By Steve Taggart Year after year new fitness crazes emerge, each full of promise to keep you motivated and fit, but unfortunately very few ever really end up fulfilling these hopes. Whilst 2013 was dominated by dance fusion classes such as Zumba and Pure Barre, 2014 is undoubtedly the year ...

6 Fantastic Ways to Promote Your Start-up Business

By Duncan McCaslin Start-up businesses are constantly innovating and becoming globally competitive, particularly when attracting a younger, hungrier workforce. The on-going question for many businesses trying to build a committed workforce is the question of how to stay relevant, competitive and appealing. It’s important to invest your time wisely when ...

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