Is NSA’s Metadata Collection Program lawful?

By Nishad Sanzagiri Imagine this scenario: You receive a letter in the mail. You read it and you then leave it on your desk.  Just then, you hear a knock on your door and see a team of FBI agents outside. They walk in and grab the letter, take a ...

The Road to Wigan Pier

By Joe Mellor, In house Reporter  George Orwell is a timeless author who has become more relevant as political systems which sowed their seeds at the start of the 20th century grow into the unrelenting beasts that had been prophesied. The feature below highlights how relevant Orwell's messages are today. ...

Is London a Drain on the UK?

By Adam Walker, Economics Correspondent A Northerner’s Perspective London is an economic powerhouse, a hub of global headquarters and a melting pot of cultures, but is it a drain on the rest of the UK? Recently there has been a lot of speculation and debate surrounding the question of whether London has ...

Europe and the UK: Never the Twain Shall Meet

By Valentina Magri Do you remember the British sitcom of the Eighties “Never the Twain”? Well, it seems Oliver Smallbridge and Simon Peel may have found their heirs: Europe and the UK. The British PM David Cameron has promised to change Europe with internal negotiation in a more flexible, competitive ...

Gun Crime Stalemate in the US

By Haridos Apostolides, US Correspondent The only thing sadder than the shooting of two mall employees in Columbia, Maryland, is that it has become an unsurprising fixture in both American and worldwide news. On Saturday, in a suburb between Washington, DC and Baltimore, Darion Marcus Aguilar opened fire inside a Columbia Mall ...

US President: who’s next?

By Haridos Apostolides, US Correspondent 2014 has barely begun, but the American media machine has already put its unremitting reporting on the impending Presidential Election into gear… taking place in November 2016. As surveys suggests, the popular consensus has former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democrats fighting ...

Does Academia Fuel Elitism?

By Adam Walker, Economics Correspondent Since the financial crisis hit in 2007 there has been a great deal of debate concerning the culture of big business capitalism and the demonisation of the financial industry. The elitism associated with the banking industry, coupled with accusations of political bias, immunity from punitive action ...

Age of the CDO

By David Dumeresque of Tyzack Partners The Art of Survival: Adapting to Change in the Digital Era Fifty years ago, Leon Megginson, Professor of Management and Marketing at Louisiana State University wrote in the Southwestern Social Science Quarterly: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most ...

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