I want to live in…Forest Gate

This is the proper East End (for the minute) and no it isn’t Forest Hill (ever). Its name is derived from a southern gate of Epping Forest which once stretched continuously down from Epping to the main Roman Road (now Romford Road) linking Camulodunum to Londinium. So bore the estate ...

The art of the brick

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic  Bricks have long been a focal part of Shoreditch. The factory red of its industrial past, the distinctive yellow residential stock bricks and post-modern grey office blocks paint the canvas of London’s East End which, when you’re mindful of their presence, display ...

Don’t be too disillusioned to vote, be too disillusioned not to

By Pieter Cranenbroek ‘Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don’t vote,’ William E. Simon once remarked. Replace ‘Washington’ with ‘Westminster’ and the sentence doesn’t lose its significance. The British left can no longer passively wait for Russell Brand’s revolution and watch with dismay how politics is ...

Self determination and a winner’s mentality

By Sloan Sheridan Williams In this day and age we not only need to be physically fit but also emotionally fit and mentally tough. With athletes, playing the sport you love and excelling in it creates fulfilment and contentment. Using the same mental strategies we can get ahead in the ...

The Conservatives come fighting back, but will it work?

By Gregory Taylor  It was not the best start for the Conservative Party Conference, but things have gone rather better than some would have thought. On Saturday night we had seen one MP joining UKIP and another minister standing down because of a sex scandal. For political geeks like me, it’s ...

Lib Dems; so undermined, so important

Clegg has secured the Lib Dems a permanent fixture in parliament, so long as they don't remember their values.  By Nathan Lee The general election in May 2015 is sure to be a close affair. A country disillusioned by the Tories and still hurting from the harsh bouts of austerity ...

Andina: Review

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic  Sunday morning, blue skies and a crisp autumn breeze wafts aromas of exotic street food across London's East End. It was an idyllic start to the day, but I'd got a cob on. I've just been seated at a trendy Peruvian cafe ...

I want to live in… Clapton

I want to live in… Clapton Would you want to live in an area dubbed “murder mile” only a few years ago? No, well you are in the minority. There is nothing like middle class gentrification to bring down the crime rate. It is almost as if the local hoodlums ...

I want to live in… Walthamstow

Walthamstow is “Awesomestow” apparently. Yes it is a bit cringe, but don’t let that put you off, it is becoming the creative hub of London. It even has a village bit (ok I know everywhere in London claims to have one, but this is the real deal) I don’t know ...

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