Reinventing Charlie Simpson

Jack Peat reviews the refined and polished Charlie Simpson at the Roundhouse.  Charlie Simpson is a physical embodiment of the journey all young musicians embark on, yet his tremendous success has resulted in his particular journey being very much in the public eye. There are very few teenage bands that ...

Top 10 time saving apps for business owners

By Seb Dean from The Imaginaire Web Design. When it comes to running a business, especially in the early stages, you’re likely to be absolutely swamped with trying to stay in control of all areas of the business. Covering sales, fulfilment of orders, working with suppliers, billing and all of ...

Is Cameron preaching a crusade?

Richard Masefield, author of a new book set at the time of the Third Crusade to free Jerusalem from Islamic occupation, questions the Prime Minister’s use of crusading rhetoric in his recent comments about the Middle East. Isil poses a direct and deadly threat to Britain, David Cameron tells us. ...

Wild – Review, London Film Festival

By Anna Power @powersfilms Following on from his success with Dallas Buyers Club Jean-Marc Vallee directs Wild, a tale of grief, hurt and healing, literally one step at a time. Reece Witherspoon gives a striking performance as novice, lone-hiker Cheryl Strayed (based on her memoir) who undertook the precipitous 1,100 ...

Great gran has been writing to pen friend for 72 years

Nona Avery, from Sheffield, 84 has been hand writing letters to her pen friend longest than most people live, sending over a 1,000 letters... In 1942 I saw an advert in the Girl's crystal annual for girl’s who lived all over the world, who wanted a pen friend. One advert ...

Jonny’s Shares

Game Digital has found a new home on the FTSE whilst WHSmith are expanding its oversees operations Following on from the Scottish referendum there has been numerous election campaigns getting underway ahead of the next general election in early May. The stock market has not really changed over the past ...

Top 20 Independent Coffee Shops in London

By Seb Dean from Find London Apartments. 1.     Foxcroft & Ginger 3 Berwick Street, W1F Foxcroft & Ginger serves wonderful coffee efficiently, which is surprising to say that they get rather busy. They also serve the light snacks that you’d expect of a coffee shop, including croissants which, we must ...

Blog Competition

The London Economic has launched a new blog competition with a first place prize of £50 and a runner-up prize of £25. As a blog sharing platform TLE is looking to discover the best talent in the market, which is why we've launched this competition to give bloggers a chance ...

My cleanse diary

By Charlotte Hope, Lifestyle Editor @TLE_Lifestyle I absolutely love caffeine. Don’t you? In particular, I seriously love coffee. Last night I actually fell asleep easier knowing I had set my alarm early enough to enjoy a leisurely coffee in the morning. I think this is complimented by the fact that ...

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