Matching the Cost of Living

While all indicators point to a strong economic recovery in Britain, people still aren’t feeling it. We have paid the price of inequality for recovery with food banks on the rise despite unemployment figures dropping. Simply put, businesses are reluctant to match the cost of living in the UK. Today’s ...

Survival of The Most Adaptable

Krishna Athal reports on a political clean-up in Mauritius Imagine a country that is so meticulously clean that its citizens roam the streets with a true sense of pride, visibly expressing their satisfaction in their nation’s ability to become and remain somewhere where they are able to walk without the chance of ...

Women suffer fifty bad skin days a year

By Charlotte Hope, Lifestyle Editor @TLE_Lifestyle Let's be honest ladies (and men; more then you think these days) we worry about our skin. The huge spot that appears on the morning of a night out, teenage acne and flaky skin scare me more than anything I saw on Halloween. Occasionally I do ...

Dodging Ghosts and Aliens on Cannock Chase

By Ben Gelblum  Cannock Chase, a 78 kilometre square Area Of Outstanding Beauty in the heart of the Midlands, has been thrust into the headlines this autumn with a spate of ghost sightings. The ancient royal hunting ground has long had all manner of sinister supernatural sightings. Recently, the tabloids ...

Le Ziz – Review

By David de Winter – Sports Editor @LondonEconomic @davidjdewinter This week, TLE sent me to Le Ziz restaurant in Dalston.  ‘Not Dalston!’ I protested.  ‘Everyone has skinnier jeans than me.  Their haircuts are more asymmetrical than mine and their glasses have thicker rims.  I’ll get ritualistically mocked.’  But TLE was ...

Making a call? a mobile phone rarity

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Making a phone call is now only the sixth most common use for a mobile phone, a study has revealed. Researchers found that sending and receiving text messages, surfing the internet and even the use of the alarm clock have all overtaken phoning friends or ...

Asian Champions League Final – a fairytale ending?

Sport News 24/7 By Danny Norman @TLE_Sport @dannynormanCOYS New boys Western Sydney Wanderers face Champions League destiny The idea of forming a brand new football team in the modern era is accompanied by a cynical feeling that a big motivating factor is money, and the desire of wealthy individuals and ...

Global Brand Simplicity

Tesco have been struggling of late. The supermarket that stakes a claim right in the middle of the grocery market has lost out to brands that offer cheaper essential items and competitors that are more appealing for top quality produce. The shift is symbolic of an erosion of the big four ...

Resurgent QPR can turn things around

Sport News 24/7 By Richard de Winter  @TLE_Sport @rgdewinter The football fan is a fickle beast.  Their opinions on players fluctuate from one extreme to another, often during the same game.  It is perfectly acceptable to call for a player’s substitution and immediate expulsion from the first-team picture and praise ...

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