Geldof to re-re-re-release Band Aid for Bird Flu

Satire from Jack Peat.  Bob Geldof has announced he is to re-re-re-release the Band Aid track ‘Do They Know it’s Christmas’ to fight the latest outbreak of Bird Flu. The Irish musician, known for being in the same room as Midge Ure when he wrote the popular Christmas record, said ...

Inheritance Tax; Time for Reform ?

By Gregory Taylor In just about everything we do we are taxed, from buying petrol to going on holiday, buying alcohol and on what we earn. It’s something that most people in this country can never get away from, but not only that, even when we die your family could ...

It’s official “Women let themselves go at winter”

By Charlotte Hope, Lifestyle Editor, @TLE_lifestyle Ok I admit it, when the clocks go back and it's dark at 5pm, ALL I want to do is retreat to my living room, with a HUGE box of chocolates (well for as long as chocolate exists) and sit there, vegetating until spring. ...

The problem with the Church of England…

By Callum Hunter, of Write it Quick  A recent YouGov poll has found that around four in ten Church of England clergy now support same-sex marriage, leaving around five in  ten opposing marriage equality, with around one in ten still undecided on the issue. The poll’s findings are being regarded by ...

Formula One

Has Formula One brought itself into disrepute?

Sport News 24/7 By Charles Briscoe-Knight  @TLE_Sport Imagine this situation:  We come to the last lap of the last race in an excruciatingly long Grand Prix season, and Nico Rosberg leads Lewis Hamilton by the length of  spark plug.  Suddenly Rosberg jinks to the left and Hamilton does the opposite. ...

Interstellar – Review

By Anna Power, Film Editor @TLE_film Christopher Nolan fans will delight at the loopy, lustrous, pyrotechnic vision that is Interstellar but will the narrative hold up by comparison?   Set in the near future, in a period of post climate-change meltdown and pre-apocalyptic collapse, we find the inhabitants of Earth ...

Britain in Need

By Nathan Lee, Politics Correspondent  The BBC's Children in Need appeal raised more than £32.6 million on Friday night shortly after a Poppy Appeal that is expected to raise more than £40 million. It makes you proud to be British, but ashamed that our charitable efforts are being used to ...

Fever Tree: Mixing with the spirit revolution

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic  I'm not one to blow my own trumpet, but I've long championed the use of more natural tonics as spirit mixers. For years on end I'd watch punters muse over which overpriced gin to taste from behind a bar only for them ...

Why isn’t Lewis Hamilton a national hero?

Sport News 24/7 By Ronan George Seven days from today Britain could have a new world champion. Someone acclaimed in their field and demonstrably better than their rivals. But beyond fans of the minority though wealthy sport, the nation will probably shrug and carry on. Barring human error or technological ...

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