Top 31 Morrissey Quotes

Morrissey is more than just an enigma; he has a legion of dedicated fans who are devout followers of his work. Always a controversial figure, he has often made some outrageous quotes and has even been accused of racism. Either way he has achieved a demi-god like status. The Independent ...

Arsenal walk a tightrope – again

Sport News 24/7 By David Edwards Well we did it – just. For most clubs ‘squeaky bum’ time comes in April, but for Arsenal fans it arrived in August. With a couple of minutes to go against Besiktas, Ba just missed a cross that would have consigned us to Thursday ...

London music scene behind Brighton & Manchester

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor When it comes to live music one would assume that England’s capital is the home to the best music scene. Surely the size of the city and diversity of culture means it would beat others in the UK? Well according to a new report that ...

Africa Rising

By Ikràn M.Omar @IkranM Despite Africa's long prophesied ascension as the next economic powerhouse there are still questions to be answered on whether this could ever materialise. The main question is whether it is a safe and solid investment. To invest in anything there needs to be a prospect of a ...

Summertime blues: UK workers stressed

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Two in three employees in the UK (64 per cent) are placed under extra pressure over the summer from picking up colleagues’ work during the holiday period, according to Bupa. The research, which combines the views of 2,000 UK workers, shows that more than two ...

Men win the battle of break-up etiquette

By Steve Taggart They’re often painted as the villains when it comes to big screen break-ups, but men are actually more likely than women to play by the break-up rules, according to new research. The research, by online smartphone retailer, reveals that the majority (60%) of men end their ...

Rotherham “Denial becomes part of culture”

 By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor As Pressure grows on South Yorkshire's police commissioner Shaun Wright to resign in the wake of a damning report into child abuse in Rotherham, a leading academic claims denial too easily became part of the culture. Many of the figures - including Wright , who was ...

Top 24 Noel Gallagher quotes

By Joe Mellor, Deputy Editor Looks like Noel isn’t having anything to do with the Ice Bucket challenge his brother set him, maybe it is clogging up his Facebook news feed and it is starting to wear a bit thin, who knows? Well as ever it is a great excuse ...

China’s growing footprint in Latin America

By Rohan Chatterjee @RohanChatterje1 China’s exponential growth has brought it to the doorsteps of geographically separated and historically disconnected, Latin America and is fast on way to becoming a key trade partner and surpassing the United States as the continent’s most important economic partner. The key driver behind China’s expansion ...

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