Meet the ‘Challenger Banks’

By Mark Somers, Technical Director at 4most Europe  The economic risks of a more fragmented banking system… Big banks are in decline. That’s what many politicians are trying to achieve and what some experts are predicting will happen in the near future; whether that speculation will ring true, only time ...

New Frontiers: Overcoming the challenges of international expansion

By Tim Furdui, Senior Research Analyst at Atomik Research Market research is a fundamental prerequisite of international expansion for business. Without it, businesses expanding into overseas markets risk marketing their products and services blindfolded and to an unresponsive audience. As global trade becomes more important, insight will become paramount. According ...

Thank Humanity for the Ice Bucket Challenge

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic  In the aftermath of the Ukraine War, yet another Gaza conflict and the ongoing crisis in Iraq it's easy to feel a little glum about the state of humanity in 2014. More than 2,500 people have died in Ukraine this year, more ...

What’s the future of the British high street?

By Ikràn.M.Omar @IkranM Confronted with e-commerce and evolving shopping habits the future of the British high street has never been so clouded. Today the high street is no longer the only destination. Both e-commerce and the allure of behemoth out-of-town shopping centres have irreparably altered consumer habits placing high streets across the ...

Will Scotland vote YES for Independence?

With just over a week until one of the most hyped referendums in British history, newspapers across the country today lead with the headline: 'Ten days to save the UK'. According to a weekend poll the "Yes" to independence campaign is two percentage points ahead of their Better Together adversaries sending ripples across ...

Happy Birthday Karl Lagerfeld!

By Charlotte Stringer, Style Editor at There are many people who have become pillars of the fashion industry, however, no one has left their mark quite like Karl Lagerfeld. On 10th September the legendary designer turns another year older (although how old, we can’t quite say as Lagerfeld lives ...

Do we need a re-classification of 1865 Classification?

By Jack Peat, Editor of The London Economic  To an outsider it may seem rather perverse that a wine region that has undergone such change in the past century and a half still champions a classification of its chateaux that dates back to 1855, but for Bordeaux, it's actually quite ...

Top 10 things modern homebuyers want

Today’s homebuyer is different to those of previous generations. In the age of smartphones, apps and smart homes, the modern house hunter’s demands have changed dramatically. At the same time, in an era defined by fluctuating house prices, today’s homebuyer is more cost-sensitive than ever before. As searching for the ...

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