I’m Alright Jack – Blu-ray Review

By Sam Inglis  @24FPSUK  24fps.org.uk I never met my great grandfather, he died some years before I was born, but watching I'm Alright Jack I wished I could have seen it or at least discussed it with him, because I'm sure it would have struck a chord with him. In ...

The Nightmare Economics of Ayn Rand

By Darragh Roche The term 'job creator' has crept into the political lexicon on both sides of the Atlantic. It sounds harmless, but don't be fooled - it is the quiet vanguard of a political and economic nightmare. Calling Ayn Rand a novelist is generous, calling her a philosopher borders ...

Interview – Alright The Captain

By Grant Bailey (@GrantDBailey) As I'm sure any successful band will tell you, standing out in your music scene is tough. But with the discerning crowds of instrumental prog fans on the hunt for the latest band to blow their minds it can be even more challenging. Alright The Captain have ...

Beat the January Blues with #smileforjanuary Viral Campaign

The gloomiest day of the year is here. January 19th marks Blue Monday on the calender, the day when Christmas and New Year seem like distant memories and summer fun seems like a far away dream. But it doesn't all have to be doom and gloom, and if the public get behind a ...

Ex Machina – Film Review

 By Stephen Mayne @finalreel It seems we are firmly in the season of Alan Turing. But while Benedict Cumberbatch is off picking up awards for his imitation of the man, Alex Garland’s directorial debut is interested in the ideas. Taking the famous Turing test that sets out what a machine ...

Turn Blue Monday Red

By Charlotte Hope, Lifestyle Editor @TLE_lifestyle Today, Monday 19th January, is the most depressing day of the year. It’s official. I didn’t get a seat on the tube this morning until 9 stops in, which is unheard of, so I can definitely feel the first wave of ‘it’s going to ...

Paper Souls – Film Review

By Emma Silverthorn @HouseOf_Gazelle Funeral-speech writer Paul (Stephane Guillon) in Vincent Lannoo’s dark comedy Paper Souls (Les Ames De Papier) brings to mind Olivia in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Like Olivia Paul is consumed by grief and as such has chosen to cloister himself away, shutting himself off from any sort ...

Whiplash – Film Review

By Darryl Griffiths @legallyBOD  'There are no two words more harmful in the English language than good job.' Regardless of our chosen fields, many of us have been exposed to the idea of a 'mentor' as we strive to reach the pinnacle of our professions. Guiding us. Driving us. Some, ...

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