On how to alternate between cultures: tips and tricks.

  By Audrey Sebatindira Cultures are different; this goes without saying. Some are more different than others. We may (rightly or wrongly) question or even condemn other cultures, but more often than not we celebrate our differences. Occasionally we go further and book a flight to a country totally different ...

Interview – Pumajaw

For those looking for a taste of outsider art the unthemed festival VAULT is a standout in the London musical calendar. From January 28th to March 8th expect everything from subversive stand-up comedy, leftfield musical acts from around the world and, in one case a roadkill taxidermy cabaret show. It ...

The frontrunner of English deaf cricket

Sport News 24/7 By Noy Shani  @TLE_Sport  @NoyShani The London Economic continues its countdown for the cricket World cup which will kick off in just two weeks time in Australia and New Zealand. Noy Shani spoke to Darren Talbot, Development Officer and Lions team manager for the England Cricket Association ...

Should the UK stay in the EU or leave?

By Professor Christopher H. Bovis, Professor of International and European Business Law, University of Hull Inevitably, the question of UK membership of the European Union will be centred on two issues: The need for reform of EU institutions and the way the EU is governed The ability of the UK to ...

#StopJihadism: France’s new online weapon against radicalisation

By Elsa Buchanan, International Politics Correspondent  In a bid to fight the recrudescence of radicalisation on its territory, the French government is launching its own “anti-propaganda” online platform under the hashtag #StopDjihadism. “Search for paradise and find hell: the jihadist propaganda wants to convince by describing a misleading " ideal ...

Room40 at Cafe Oto

By Daniel Mackenzie (@EkcaLiena) Cafe Oto, 23/01/15 Walking through the early Friday night mess-about-to-happen of Dalston, I'm listening to a French black metal (ish) band so at odds with Room40's curatorial style it's almost amusing. This band deal in truly hellish atmospheres that sit awkwardly above brutal drum and guitar ...

I’d like you to stop looking at me now

By Helen Duff An instinct we’ve all felt at some time, whether tripping over the flat-as-a-pancake pavement – “must be something wrong with my shoes. No, seriously, these shoes have been playing me up for ages. It’s got nothing to do with the way I walk; I walk well, better ...

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