How to Finance a Round the World Trip

By Steve Taggart Each year, thousands of people escape the rat race to take the plunge and travel the world. Some do it solo, others board the plane in groups, but all go for one reason: to experience something new. Whether you’re looking to immerse yourself in the culture of ...

Home Is Where The Heart is

By Dr Stephen Fear, British Library's Entrepreneur in Residence and Chairman of Fear Group   A home is somewhere we can be ourselves. Somewhere we can dress how we like, slob out on the sofa with an Indian takeaway, or watch exactly what we like on TV!   Sadly this ...

Does the British public now value the EU more than the US?

Chatham House’s latest report indicates that the British public believe that Britain’s relationship with the EU is now more valuable than its relationship with the United States, and that marginally more people would vote to remain in the EU than leave it in the event of a referendum on Britain’s ...

Patriots win gripping Super Bowl XLIX

Sport News 24/7 By Sean Simara  @Sean_FootyMad  @TLE_Sport Tom Brady threw four touchdown passes and became a four time Super Bowl winner as the New England Patriots came through two weeks of controversy to beat the Seattle Seahawks 28-24.  It was a fantastic game that was littered with drama throughout ...

The Millennial Attitude Towards Property

By Emily Maree, Creative Content Editor for Renting versus buying has always been a tough choice, never more so than the last 10 years. Many moons ago, our parents would have bought a property and are probably still at that address now - they’ve hung up their coats and ...

A quick stop guide to Cambodia.

By Neil Kook Welcome to the Kingdom of Cambodia. You have arrived, but where should you go? Opportunity comes from every angle and one should be selective to make the most out of this adventure. For starters one should explore Phnom Penh. Situated at the confluence of three rivers, the Mekong, and ...

Creative break! Mallorca, creative writing, and Diane Redmond.

Belmond La Residencia Launches Creative Writing Retreat with Acclaimed Author Diane Redmond Creativity abounds. The village of Deia on Mallorca’s peaceful north-west coast has attracted poets, artists and writers for over a century. Famous British writers Alan Sillitoe, Robert Graves and D H Lawrence were all inspired by this artistic haven ...

David Morin “Why do I busk?”

By David Morin I am often asked why I continue to busk when I have access to so many opportunities to play in venues and I understand why people are perplexed. Most people may think it's a low-brow form of entertainment, and in all honesty they are partially correct, but ...

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