A group of villagers have discovered and saved the life of baby girl found buried in the dirt. It is thought that the poor little child was only around six hours old and had been left to perish in the ground. However, a young child spotted the new born’s feet emerging through the dirt and alerted adults in the village, in India. Once the baby was dug out, in the Jajpur district in Odisha state, she was taken to hospital...
A terminally ill cancer sufferer told she has just months to live has drawn up a bucket list to visit every country in the world and marry her boyfriend before she dies. Jo Sutton, 37, is part-way round a global trip in a determined bid to “live her life to the fullest” and tick off all 196 countries across the world. She originally penned “40 countries to see before I’m 40” after her mum, Pamela, died of breast cancer five...
Troubled Michael Freeman, 34, suffered a fatal heroin overdose following a two-decade battle with mental health issues and addiction. One week after his death, his heartbroken mum Gillian Freeman, 75, went to the flat where he lived alone to sort through his possessions. It was there that she discovered – among needles and other drug paraphernalia – an incredible 62-piece collection of drawings, most of which she never knew existed. Dad-of-two Michael loved art from a young age and his...
Frail Ian Cadman, 58, met two-year-old marmoset Millie on his final day on Earth as he lost his battle with cancer. His declining ill-health meant staff at Wigan and Leigh Hospice, Grt Mancs., couldn’t carry out their surprise visit to nearby Knowsley Safari Park for him. So the kind-hearted staff decide to bring the monkey business to Ian – and sadly just a few hours after the visit he died surrounded by his family. Mr Cadman’s twin sister Karen Lund...
A woman who was branded a ‘dunce’ at school and hid her illiteracy all her life is finally learning to read – at the age of 87. Retired factory worker Ursula Shepherd says her teachers in the 1930s “didn’t care” if she was educated. The pensioner, who has learning difficulties, was branded a ‘dunce’ by classmates and left school at the age of 15 unable to read or write. She hid her illiteracy throughout her working life and at home...
Dogs Trust Harefield is appealing for a home for a dog that resembles the famous cartoon character, Goofy. Staff at the rehoming centre are concerned that Beaky has been overlooked due to his unusual appearance and goofy smile. Handed over to Dogs Trust over 500 days ago, the ex-racing Greyhound is eagerly on the marks and set to sprint off to a new home. Although his canine carers at the charity were instantly won over by his striking and quirky...
Hundreds of one-day-old chicks have been dumped in field in Cambridgeshire, according to the RSPCA. The animal welfare charity was called on Friday (17 February) by members of the public who spotted around 1,000 little chicks running around Crowland, near Peterborough. An investigation has been launched following the call-out. RSPCA inspector Justin Stubbs said: “I have never seen anything like it, it was just a sea of yellow. And the noise was unbelievable. “The chicks are only about a day...
Elderly residents at a care home were pppperked up – with a visit from PENGUINS. Humboldt penguins Pringle and Charlie met OAPs at Trevone House in Gloucester. Activities Co-ordinator Rebecca Allott, 22, who wanted to do something different for the residents, said: “‘We are resident led in what we do here and they said that this is something they would like to do and see. ”So we approached the Amazing Animals Company and they gave us a great deal. “We...
A homeless man who rescued some DUCKS and raised them as his own has been left devastated – after they were removed from his care. Russ O’Conner says he saved the animals and raised them on the street. He kept them in a cardboard box but the conditions of the two ducklings fell foul of the authorities and police have now taken them away. The RSPCA said it took action following a number of calls from concerned members of the...
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