This is the moment moped-riding gold thieves stole a woman’s gold necklace – by DRAGGING her down a street by the neck.
The thugs grabbed the £1,400 necklace from 45-year-old Menaka’s neck while she was out walking with her family.
But it did not snap and they pulled her 100m down the road behind their moped before they pulled it from her neck, in the southern Indian city of Chennai on Sunday.

Shaken Menaka was taken to hospital for treatment after she was left with a circle shaped cut in her neck, and gashes to her ankle, knees and left thigh.
One onlooker said: “Women wearing gold ornaments walking in the street often become the soft target for criminals known as chain snatchers across India.
“In this case, eventually, the burglars managed to snap the necklace and decamped with the booty and the woman was left writhing in pain.”